YMX(驛馬速運)是一家位於中國香港的國際物流網路。 我們來自世界各地的專業人員擁有超過20年的經驗,支持我們的客戶以高效和具有成本效益的方式為客戶提供物流服務。 YMX倉庫,卡車運輸團隊和IT支持團隊將為我們的客戶提供強有力的支援,以滿足他們的服務要求。
YMX可以提供一站式物流服務,包括空運和海運,快遞和電子商務小包裹,倉儲和本地交付,包機和展覽物流。 憑藉在這些服務方面的長期經驗,YMX可以幫助我們的客戶解決許多複雜的問題。 YMX系統已經與大多數國際大數據系統連接,因此我們可以提供實時數據支援。
YMX的客戶包括全球品牌和上市公司,擁有不同的商品,如化妝品,紡織品,電子產品,玩具,零食和家居用品。 憑藉豐富的產品知識和處理貨物的經驗,我們可以避免許多意外事故。
WIFFA is the international freight forwarding credit cooperation platform under the network of ShippingChina and also the International freight forwarding branch of China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing. 30 port committees, 19 overseas branches and 28 special service alliances with more than 1,100 domestic and foreign freight forwarding credit cooperation members distributing in 110 domestic cities and more than 60 overseas countries and regions.
QSPCC is a Professional Certificate Centre managed by Professor from United Nation. QSP Platinum is the highest ranking in the QSP certification. This shows that YMX service level is qualified in international standard.
Silk Road Development Association is an association focusing on the business development in Belt and Road countries. As YMX business is mainly in the developing countries and new market, with SRDA membership can show our professional in these markets.
World Express Alliance (WEA) is an alliance which gather all related company to develop global O to O (Online to offline) market. Our members including company from 30 countries with different industries. The alliance can facilitate the cooperation within network and also improve the reliability of payment.
WEA member including Courier Companies, CFS consolidators, Airline GSA and Charter flight companies, Pharmaceutical logistics Companies, Bulk cargo logistics company, E-platforms and E-shops, E-Marketing Company, IT Companies, Recruitment agencies, Retailers and Wholesalers.
This is the authorized license from Civil Aviation Department of HKSAR about Air cargo Security operations. This license shows that YMX is a qualified air and courier service provider.
Shenzhen Aviation Association is a professional association for air business, especially for those in Shenzhen city.
Guangdong International Freight Forwarding Association is a professional association for company in Guangdong province.
World Air Alliance is a alliance for Air business.
由於優質的服務,YMX 獲得了 2022 年合格服務獎。 香港政府商務及經濟發展局副秘書長於香港喜來登酒店舉行頒獎典禮,向YMX頒獎。
為了促進客戶的業務發展,微信支付,支付寶,轉數快和Payme已經提供YMX服務。 我們的客戶可以方便快捷地付款。